Dalam mengucapkan Maaf dalam bahasa Inggris kamu bisa menggunakan Kata Sorry tetapi meminta maaf dengan bahasa Inggris Sorry dikategorikan informal, ada beberapa referensi ungkapan meminta maaf dalam bahasa inggris yang harus kamu ketahui. Tetapi sebelum itu kalian harus pahami dahulu sedikit tentang asal usul kata ‘sorry’ dapat ditelusuri pada kata dari bahasa Inggris Kuno ‘sarig’ yang berarti “stres, berduka atau penuh kesedihan”. Menurut arti tersebut kita bisa simpulkan bahwa dalam mengungkapkan kata maaf kamu harus mengutamakan unsur penyesalan, sehingga permintaan maaf kamu akan diterima dengan baik oleh orang yang merasa kamu sakiti atau singgung. Dan mendasari unsur emosi yang menyebabkan permintaan maaf kamu tidak diterima ataupun ditolak.
Baiklah berikut ungkapan Maaf selain Sorry dalam bahasa Inggris yang sangat bagus kamu ketahui yaitu diantaranya:
1. I apologize
- I apologize for being late to our meeting this morning.
- I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier. It was out of line and I’m sorry.
- I apologize if my actions have caused any inconvenience to you.
- I just wanted to take a moment to apologize for any confusion that may have resulted from my email.
- I apologize for my mistake and I’ll do my best to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
2. Forgive me
- Please forgive me for my mistake. I promise it won’t happen again.
- I know I hurt you and I am truly sorry. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
- Forgive me for being so insensitive earlier. I didn’t realize how much my words would affect you.
- I’m sorry for what I did. Please forgive me if you can.
- I made a foolish mistake, and I ask you to forgive me for my behavior.
3. My apologize
- My apologies for the delay in responding to your email.
- I want to offer my apologies for any inconvenience my mistake may have caused.
- My apologies if I came across as dismissive during our conversation yesterday.
- I owe you my apologies for forgetting about our meeting today.
- My sincere apologies for any misunderstanding that may have occurred.
4. Sorry about that
- I accidentally bumped into you, sorry about that.
- Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.
- I’m sorry about that, I forgot to send you the report yesterday.
- Sorry about that, I was running late and didn’t get a chance to call you back.
- I’m sorry about that, I didn’t realize my music was too loud.
5. Please accept my apology
- Please accept my apology for my behavior at the party last night.
- I want to express my regret and ask that you please accept my apology for my mistake.
- Please accept my apology for any inconvenience my absence may have caused.
- I want to take this opportunity to apologize for my late payment. Please accept my apology.
- Please accept my apology for my comment, I didn’t mean to offend you.
6. It’s My Fault
- I’m sorry, it’s my fault that we missed the movie. I lost track of time.
- It’s my fault that the report was late. I underestimated the amount of work involved.
- I’m sorry, it’s my fault that I forgot to pick up the groceries on the way home.
- I messed up, it’s my fault that we got lost on the way to the restaurant.
- It’s my fault that the project didn’t meet the deadline. I should have managed my time better.